TriRoads Planning District

Economic Development Tool vs. Regulation

The Tri-Roads development plan and Zoning Bylaw will act as a vehicle for future economic development. Its role will be much more than a form of regulation. The development plan will create a tool for community economic development to attract industry, business and community amenities such as health care. It will essentially create a plan of action for the Tri-Roads community for liveability and future prosperity.

Which Rural Municipalities and Villages are included in the Tri Roads Planning District?

In 2013, Manitoba Municipalities were directed by the Province to amalgamate. As a result of this direction, the Town of Russell and Village of Binscarth entered the process of amalgamating to form the Municipality of Russell-Binscarth and the Rural Municipalities of Silver Creek and Shellmouth-Boulton entered into the process of amalgamating to form the Rural Municipality of Riding Mountain West. The Tri-Roads Planning District includes the RM of Russell Binscarth and the RM of Riding Mountain West.